2 Undeniable Benefits Of BD Vacutainer In The USA

Venipunctures, or blood draws, can be performed using a Vacutainer device. A plastic holder, a double-ended needle, and BD Vacutainer tubes make up the system. The double-sided needle is inserted and fastened into a hole at the top of the plastic holder. To perform the blood draw, the other side of the needle is placed into the vein and the BD Vacutainer tube is inserted into the plastic holder.

Vacutainer Benefits:


Vacutainer tubes are calibrated to fill to the specific amount needed, unlike conventional venipuncture devices, which need the phlebotomist to accurately draw the correct amount of blood needed for a test. This reduces the need for many types of blood draws to obtain enough blood for testing.

When other phlebotomy methods are utilized, there is a risk of hemolysis or the bursting of blood cells. The BD Vacutainer system has the advantage of drawing blood into the tubes at a safe speed, which reduces the risk of hemolysis.

The dilution of the blood is more precise with BD Vacutainer tubes in the USA. Each tube is pre-filled with the appropriate amount of additive, lowering the possibility that the dilution will be wrong. 

Security & Efficacy

When several samples are required, the BD Vacutainer system is especially useful. The phlebotomist merely waits until the first tube is completely filled before replacing it with a new one. Multiple tubes can be inserted and filled as long as the needle is suitably positioned.

The BD Vacutainer venipuncture system is a closed system that reduces the possibility of blood spillage. This has the benefit of preventing the phlebotomist from being exposed to blood-borne diseases by accident.


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