What Is The Importance Of Using Platelet-Rich Fibrin For Grafting In The Oral Cavity?
Many innovative techniques are joining the mainstream surgical field of dentistry to promote less pain and faster healing procedure. And PRF , which stands for the acronym Platelet-rich fibrin, is one of them. This product is used as a standalone in various oral surgery or collaborating with other biomaterials to act as a catalyst for healing the tissue and reducing inflammation. Studies have shown that PRF boosts the osteoprogenitor cells in the host bone tissue and bone grafting. What are the applications of PRF? The PRF has dominating properties for aiding in healing and regenerating tissues. The use of PRF membrane aids in curing periodontal infrabony defects. From various researches, it is known that with freeze-dried bone allograft, bone regeneration improves significantly. With this use, the healing time considerably declines before the dental implant takes place. PRF can enhance the rate of new bone formation in contrast to not using it. Moreover, the PRF membrane helps c...